Student Clubs


In an effort to ensure that the next generation of rehab specialists has a strong foundation to build upon, Rehab2Performance has developed R2P clubs at various colleges to help bridge the gap. Our goal is to assist students with access to information and opportunity. With this in mind, student clubs were created to narrow the separation between book knowledge and practical applications and facilitate seamless transference from injured patient to active athlete.

What We Do

Rehab 2 Performance Clubs

R2P Clubs can be found on college campuses around the country, and are devoted to Bridging the Gap from disability to ability; from treatment in the clinic to returning to active participation; and from patient to elite athlete. This is accomplished by utilizing movement assessment, regional interdependence, modern pain science, and patient activation to regain functional capacity. This collection of knowledge comes from the brightest minds in the field today, including: McGill, McKenzie, Janda, Lewit, Kolar, Liebenson, Cook, Boyle, Verstegen, Falsone, Weingroff and others.

We respect the exceptional work each academic institution does in preparing its students with the basic science, diagnostic skills, clinical pearls and treatment methods necessary to meet contemporary standards of care and board exams. However, to grow the next generation of rehabilitation specialists, greater exposure and opportunity is necessary.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in contact with the R2P leaders at your school now!

Current Student Club Locations

R2P Students In Action

Where students develop their skills in integrating the functional approach’s rehab principles into patient-centered care.

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