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We Bridge the Gap

From Rehab 2 Performance

Professionals in the field of movement, united in our goals and mission to bridge the gap between rehab and performance by integrating principles that span different disciplines in the way we learn, practice and share information to allow for more patient and client centered interventions.

We Are R2P

We Are R2P

Rehab2Performance is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded to not only endorse and expand the principles of The Functional Approach, but to do so in a way that brings together forward-thinking, progressive professionals in a multifaceted environment that promotes health, wellness and activity.

The Functional Approach focuses on evidence-based training and healthcare and acts as the framework for making decisions based on indivial patient or client needs, often referred to as n=1. This approach weaves together movement, mindset, nutrition and recovery in a dynamic fashion that all falls under the category of rehabilitation. Professionals who adopt the R2P mindset manage patients, clients, and athletes within a biopsychosocial (BPS) context, which includes approaching patients and clients with a teamwork perspective.

What We Do

Who Makes Up the R2P Community?




What We Do

What We Do

R2P is a membership organization with a member base of change-makers and leaders in the fields of rehabilitation, physical medicine, and performance.

We are professionals and future professionals who want to bridge the gaps between rehab and performance by integrating principles that span different disciplines.

Student Clubs

Student Clubs

To ensure the next generation of rehab specialists have a strong foundation to build upon, we have developed R2P clubs at various colleges to help bridge the gap.

Our goal is to assist students with access to information and opportunity. With this in mind, student clubs were created to narrow the separation between book knowledge and practical applications.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events




Active Life Chiropractic

Endura Chiropractic and Performance


Evolution Elite Performance Therapy

Indy Muscle & Joint Clinic




Active Life Chiropractic

Endura Chiropractic and Performance


Evolution Elite Performance Therapy

Indy Muscle & Joint Clinic


Dr. Phillip Snell DC


At this time, I know of no other complementary degree process to clinical training that provides a more well-rounded, clinician with laser-focused tools to address musculoskeletal injury rehabilitation. Certificate holders we see in our clinic are prepared to work in this capacity with not only world record holding athletes, but also folks in the general population. We prioritize hiring of R2P grads in our practice because they can walk into the clinic the day after graduation with the skill set we would typically not expect to see until the clinician had had 8-10 years of practice behind them.
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